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L'attrape-coeurs (The Catcher in the Rye). J. D. Salinger

L'attrape-coeurs (The Catcher in the Rye)
ISBN: 9782266125352 | 252 pages | 7 Mb

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L'attrape-coeurs (The Catcher in the Rye) J. D. Salinger
Publisher: Presses Pocket

Someone help him up or he's gonna end up quitting. Tu connais la chanson Ť Si un cœur attrape un cœur qui vient travers les seigles ť ? There's a boy who fogs his world and now he's getting lazy. There's no but always ends up sitting. Alors que je finissais les derničres pages de l'attrape-coeurs, j'ai appris hier la mort de Jerome David Salinger. Well it hasn't been the first time. All I want to do is be the Catcher in The Rye. L'auteur de "The catcher in the rye" s'est éteint l'age de 91 ans reclu dans sa maison du New-Hampshire. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. La seule chose que je veux etre, c'est L'attrape Coeur. In the French version of the book, Holden says something different. On a souvent comparé l'œuvre de Stephen Chbosky celle de J.D Salinger pour The catcher in the rye (l'Attrape-coeurs), aussi j'étais trčs curieuse de le lire. "Who Wrote Holden Caulfield?" A thought burst in my head and I need to tell you. To every Holden Caulfield around the world. That's all I'd do all day, be the Catcher in The Rye. Was it just a dream that happened long ago?

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